Estates Planning
Discover Experience that Builds a LegacyEstates planning includes preparing Wills, powers of attorney, and trusts.

It is important that everyone has an estate plan.
The plan should take into account the client’s personal and financial circumstances and objectives, and should be tailored to provide the best solutions and strategies to reflect the client’s needs and intentions. It should minimize taxes payable on death and facilitate the efficient management and smooth disposition of the estate following the client’s death.
The plan should consider and utilize the best estate and planning techniques including joint ownership of assets, beneficiary designations of assets such as RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, life insurance, the use of multiple wills, the use of trusts (such as joint spouse/alter ego trusts, trusts for disabled persons and vacation property) and charitable giving.
The plan should provide protection in the event of the client’s incapacity.
The plan should provide for the right people being appointed to step up when and as necessary. It should be crafted to minimize potential disputes with the attendant financial and emotional costs and delay, and potential fractured relationships among surviving family and friends.
The lawyers at Dickson Appell LLP have the experience, expertise and empathy to advise and assist you in devising an appropriate estate plan, and to put your plan in place to give you peace of mind.
Deborah focuses her practice on estates planning and administration law exclusively. On the estate planning side, Deborah provides advice and services to individuals and couples from all walks of life on a broad range of issues such as personal estate, tax, and incapacity planning, including review and preparation of wills, powers of attorney, and personal/family trusts and transfers of title. On the estates administration side, Deborah advises both individual and institutional executors, and attorneys for property, on their role and responsibilities and advises beneficiaries on their entitlements and advocates for them regarding same in non-litigious contexts.
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